Gudmundur Ebenezer: What drives us at Lifekeys?
22 December 2020 at 11:54 · 5 min read
Like all too many of us, my father experienced mental illness. Sadly, his was allowed to worsen and by age 7, I’d completely lost him from my life.
Though we might not admit it, conditions like depression and anxiety are increasingly becoming an everyday feature ofthe modern world. Today, half of us will experience some form of mental illness. But the stigma that remains aroundit means even now, only one in four people with depressive symptoms will actually seek help. For those of us withanxiety, that figure is nearly one in eight. That’s something I want to change.
I often wonder, how things might have been different if my father had received the help he needed in time? Would hehave gotten better? How would things have turned out? Maybe I wouldn’t be working as a psychologist.It’s precisely because of what I went through that I can understand the importance of good mental health forpeople's lives and families. As psychologists, we can be a force for real, positive change in people’s lives.It can be some of the most uplifting work in the world. I still take on clients regularly for that very reason, butfor me, the biggest change came when I realised that, by founding a company, I could do the same for even morepeople and in a smarter and more efficient way.
Around 2016 I began thinking about ways that digital solutions could help the mental health sector innovate how itprovides care. More specifically, with the level of need increasing rapidly, how it could be done differently,earlier and more effectively, and for more people. The rise of mental illness and issues has been labelled a crisisor an epidemic, and we need new solutions to help deal with it.
Lifekeys is our way of doing just this. By offering you online consultations with properly trained, qualifiedpsychologists we can broaden access to high-quality mental health services to people from anywhere in the world, toanywhere in the world. Most importantly, we can help you at that special time in your life when you need it themost. Quality driven psychological help is key and the best way to help those in need. For this reason, wewant to have a focus on quality at all layers of our organisation.
Everyone at Lifekeys, whether senior staff or the newest intern, has a great passion for mental health issues; manyof us have our own personal stories. This collective experience makes us stronger and more dedicated to fosteringour vision for the industry. We have a mantra in the company that we want to change how we address mental healthissues, one client at the time. Similarly, life problems can be as complex as individuals themselves. Knowing whereto find the best possible help and choosing a psychologist should not be complicated.
We know that for many common conditions, online psychotherapy can be as effective as traditional services. Theproblem is that so much of the provision that's out there right now is focused on treatment, not prevention. Thatmeans months of appointments, referrals, waiting lists and a one-size-fits-all mentality. And that’s assumingyou even reach the threshold for treatment.
Lifekeys’s approach to the crisis of mental health is preventative, not just curative. By updating the formatof psychotherapy, we can offer flexible, tailored solutions that suit anyone. Not only that, but we can ensure thatsomeone is seen by a qualified, professional psychologist with 48 hours of signing up.
These two things alone are something I’m genuinely proud to be able to say.
But it doesn’t end there, from an industry standpoint this gives us real opportunities to improve the level ofcare, not just the speed of it.
We recognize the importance of research to complement what we are doing and we have been fortunate to be active inresearch with universities and established researchers.
What this ultimately means is that it’s easier to get feedback, easier to evaluate what we’re doing,easier for the psychologists to plan their appointments, and easier to manage the patient carer-relationship. Youcan even choose which psychologist you have and keep them throughout your treatment.
But most importantly, it's easier for you to get the best help you can have.
Are you considering talking to a psychologist?
Based in Norway, Lifekeys is a leader in digital psychology services and conducts online conversations over video andtelephone. Consultations are conducted seven days a week, between 08.00-21.00. All psychologists at Lifekeys areofficially certified and have different areas of expertise. Lifekeys ensures that you can quickly and easily choosethe psychologist and the time that suits you.
Only very few psychologists are offered to work with Lifekeys and we continuously monitor performance and offertraining opportunities.
By having a conversation with the psychologist over video or phone, you spend your appointment where you feel mostcomfortable. Flexible times, skilled psychologists, and user-friendly technology make consultations a greatexperience for clients.